Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Mr Liow was in the kitchen with me the other day and all of a sudden, he brought me aside calmly, saying he had something to tell me. Took me aback... He led me out of the kitchen before telling me he saw a cockroach. Immediately after he said that, I saw it too! HUUUUUUGGGEEEEE ONE!

He killed that one, meaning to say, if I saw 3 the first time, there should hopefully be 2 left.

While packing rice to my mum's place (I bought organic rice for ER and wanted to pack some for mum to cook at her place for him), I noticed heaps of cockroach wastes....duh....I don't open that part of the cabinets much because there were only seasoning in there and I don't cook much, thus hardly a need to associate with that part of the kitchen.

The cockroaches must be happily nesting there.

I wanted to clear the wastes....and saw a teenage cockroach!

With every ounce of courage in me, I wound lots of paper towels on my hands and tried to catch it, alive.... Every strand of hair on my body stood on their ends. Arghh....!!! I still feeling like screaming as I'm recounting the event 5 mins ago.

I think I killed it. I pounded On it so hard I think I heard the wood on my cabinet crack. But when I turned the paper over, the cockroach wasn't there. I expected a dead body for all my effort...

I hope it's dead and buried among that thick bunch of paper and not have escaped while I was in a maniac trance,pounding on the side of the cabinet.

I hope we're down to 1. Or better still, I hope that one is smart enough to leave our home while it's still alive.

How glad am I that I'm not in a battle with lizards! I'll NEVER ever dare to go near even one....

Please, no lizards. Please.

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