Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Blessed Big ONE

To my dear little tiger,

How time flies! Not too long ago, you were just an 8-lettered word on the test kit. That word made your daddy and jie jie jump for joy but I wasn't sure how life was going to be with another.

We wanted a girl because boys are too active. Your jie jie started talking to you and calling you her "mei mei" as you grew in me. She loved you right from the start and we all waited to find out your true identity. Seeing your boy part and learning that you weren't a girl was quite a disappointment then. Your jie jie was most horrified!

But that didn't matter because all human started off cute. And you inherited your daddy's funny face, smiling sooooo much it didn't take much to fall in love with you.

You are indeed more active than your jie jie used to be. Moving around with you just to make sure you do not get into trouble is tiring. I'm lighter now than before I had you. In fact, I was my weight before I was pregnant with your jie jie. You are my most effective workout!

Even though you, being extraordinarily clingy to me, cut me off any possibilities of accepting assignments I so regretfully had to, you reward me with your super cute smiles and hugs and that special gaze that says "yeah! Back to Mummy!" whenever you stretch out your hands to come back to me after being carried by others. I like how you appreciate making friends and remember me at the same time.

I enjoyed nursing jie jie and I'm thankful I got to nurse you too. In my 4 years as a mummy, that's the best part of this job. No matter how upset I ever got with your jie jie, the moment she latched on, every bit of anger dissipated. I'm thankful that your jie jie taught me to nurse so I could enjoy her more and you too, for enjoying nursing as much as jie jie did so that my mummyhood is further laced with these wonderful memories.

I am loving things you have learnt to do, how you sway from side to side now when you hear music, sometimes nodding to the beat as well. That irresistible smile you give in return when you notice us admiring your moves....so cute...I love how you clap at "yeah!" (giving your signature grin at the same time), how you crawl/cruise to get around, how you point and smile...You sign off every action you make with a smile.

Blessed life ahead, baby boy! You have blessed the family for this past year. I hope you enjoy being my child as much as I enjoy every moment with you (yes, even when you ALMOST always manage to break free whenever I change your diapers).

Happy 1st Birthday Baby...


Mum, Adrielle (Baileys and Maen whom I guarantee with my limbs, would have loved you just as much if they were still here...)

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