We were about to leave for AN's music class when she called, saying she will join us because there wont be full attendance for her bible study and she didn't want to stay for it too.
But she had a cake that she wanted to bring back to our place to keep in the fridge and we had to wait for her to come back. AN would be late for classes if we waited, so I suggested I'll bring AN there in a cab first. I was frustrated and wondered if Empress really gets what she wants all the time. With a phonecall each time, our plans usually have to be shelved to convenient her.
Fortunately Mr Liow decided that we would go fetch her and continue with our original plan. Just bring along the cake instead of leaving it in the car and the cake wouldn't spoil.
Once in the car, she asked that we make next Saturday free because HER friend will be holding a "Thanksgiving" and Empress WANTS us to be there. She didn't explain what "Thanksgiving" it was till Mr Liow probed further, to which she got frustrated and said she booked us weeks ago. No she did not. But she insisted she did.
We'll be having bible study and may not be in time. She got very upset and said we stand her up all the time, accused us of putting friends above family and said she will never entertain our invitation again in return. Oh, and she wonders why we have BS next Sat.
1. When did she ever participate in things we do? We had to plead with her to help when all 4 of us were sick. Subsequently, even when she knew we weren't well, she didn't bother to help and went on out with her friends too. We wouldn't bother pleading with her again, just to watch how reluctant she can be.
1a. During our ministry Christmas party last year, she was in the room throughout, playing bejewelled. Call that participation?
2. ER's 1st month bash, she went to church, was late and ordered Mr Liow to leave behind all the last min preparations just to go fetch her highness.
3. ER's birthday this year, she was absent because she had concert that was more important.
4. AN's birthday this year, she got upset with us over something that we had no control over (the broken toilet at my SIL's place) and didn't appear to want to be present for the party till the last minute and my parents had to accommodate a new arrangement just an hour before we set out.
there are toooooooo much to list out here.
So what did she mean when she said we placed friends above family? See points 1, 2 and 3. Moreover this "Thanksgiving" thing was a memorial service for her friend's hubby who had passed on way way way before she even knew this friend. We had only seen this friend of hers less than 5 times. Why did she have to force us to go?? So who's placing friend above family? Her friend more important than our activities, so important that we have to be there for something that doesn't concern us????
When had she ever entertained our invitation? See point 1a. She was here because she had nowhere else to be at. So she hid in the room to play games. And even her grandson's birthday was nothing worth celebrating cmp to the concert. Need we say more?
She wonders why we seem to be home on Saturdays (while she was out) but this time there will be bible study (seems to hint that we are giving excuses to not be at the "Thanksgiving" memorial). She didn't realise that the kids had been sick a lot and we had to stay home? And we have BS only once a month, and fellowship a week apart. BS gets postponed if majority couldn't make it. She just didn't care about us, till now, because of her friend.
She has her freedom and wants to decide ours as well.
So, forget it. We're not going. Period.
And about her selfishness, it's innate. She commented that she wouldn't let some distant relatives stay at her place ever again because she doesn't benefit from it.
Mr Liow asked if they gave her an ang pao the last time they stayed. She got upset and said she didn't take it. They invited her for dinner at JB the next weekend and Mr Liow, in his attempt to make peace, suggested that it's a treat to thank her since she didn't accept their token of appreciation.
She agitatedly exclaimed: "It's too late."
She's rejecting all forms of thanks, just to justify her selfishness.
How to respect her?