Saturday, December 3, 2011

Not Going To Have Babies, and Marrying Someone Like Daddy

Countdown: 1 day

I have counted down already, I believe but I can't help that I'm looking forward to Mr Liow's homecoming. hehe.


Was chatting with AN just now. Another 2 separate conversations that I found interesting. I enjoy chatting with AN. She never fails to surprise me with interesting comments..

Conversation 1:
AN: "Mummy, Fay fay (her classmate) said the doctor cut her mummy up when she gave birth to her. Not true right?"
Me: "It's true. When I gave birth to you, Dr had to cut mummy up a little so that you could come out. And he cut me again when I gave birth to Ethan."
AN, looking horrified: "How can?? Was it painful???"
Me: "Yup. Painful. Remember how painful it was when you get paper cut? Imagine that many many times more painful and the baby has to squeeze out? And then the doctor has to sew mummy back?"
AN was even more horrified by then. hehe. Then she proclaimed a new plan: "I'm not going to have children when I grow up."
Me: "I thought you wanted 5 boys and 5 girls? Sometimes you want a thousand or each?"
AN: "So painful. I don't want children anymore!"


I told her the pain was only for a short while but after that I got to enjoy them both. Sometimes they made me angry but I love them. She loves children (especially little ones), so the thought pain for a little while did calm her down about labour pains by a bit.

That was funny.

Conversation 2
AN was staring at our wedding photo in a frame and then announced: "When I grow up, I want to marry this guy." and pointing to her daddy.

I told her "that guy" she was pointing at is taken. He's mine. (This is not the first time she said she wanted to marry Mr Liow. But she had also at some point, wanted to marry ER, and then gor gor Issac, and then Donovan, and Favian, and lately, Xavier..She wants to marry because she wants to wear a gown and be a bride. She can't wait!)

She then smiled and then said she wants someone like "this guy" (still referring to him as such). I asked her why and she said because he is very nice, and pointing at that picture, commented: "very smart."

I asked if she wanted to marry a guy in uniform (Mr Liow was in his number 1 military outfit) and she decided it was a yes. Then she pointed to my gown and said she wants to have a gown like mine in future.

Already now, she is very sure wedding gowns can only be white. I commented that a white/gold gown was beautiful but she insisted that wasn't a gown, because it wasn't purely white. She even went on to say: "This can be a beautiful evening gown."

What shows had she been watching??? None that I know of include such details...hmm..

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