Because my blood pressure was low, I was not allowed to move around much. I wouldn't want to anyway. I have to push my drip and stand around. I obediently stayed in bed :)
One of my enjoyable moments in Mt A each time I 'holiday' there, is the wait for food. This time a little different. I can only eat light and soupy food.
I didn't expect to be engorged till I finally felt it. By then, I couldn't clear a single but mid-sized lump of blocked ducts. These were over a period of 18 hours trying to clear that lump...
Where my blood got drawn from. At a point, the blood just didn't want to flow through one of the vein so they had to draw from the back of my palm.
AN called me on Friday afternoon and said she was making me a ard. She wrote "I love momi a lot" and I really felt loved. Mr Liow said she wrote everything in there without help. Although there were not many words, I felt as if I was reading a letter and not a card. I love my dear girl too...
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