Friday, November 30, 2012

Ethan's here

I like to pretend I can't find him. And he trained himself to inform us "Ethan's here!"

Soooo cute!

Thursday, November 29, 2012


ER started having runny nose about 2 weeks ago. It didn't blossom into the dreaded bronchitis! He's either outgrowing it, or Flixotide did help. It was purely managing the usual cough and runny nose without much emphasis on his panting, which didn't happen for the second time it threatened to attack. Thank God!

ER's potty training is still in progress. I've no guts to take away diapers. Am only putting him on potty on a more regular basis. He's not ready. He pees randomly and doesn't tell me when he needs to go. But he does look down at his diapers as he pees. And he feels the warmth of fresh pee seeping into his diaper with his hands. I'll inform him that he peed and has to tell me if he needs to go.

He is able to pee on command though (unless he peed not too long ago). I'll put him on the potty, he goes "mmmmm" and pee shoots out, even if it's only a couple of drops. Hehe.

He's going through the terrible two. There are extremely difficult days and extremely enjoyable ones.

He's getting difficult to put to bed at night, screaming to be let out to continue playing regardless of how late.

Eating is still his struggle, as is feeding him MY test of patience.

AN is improving on her reading and word recognition BUT she forgot some small letters! I panicked when I realised she forgot how to write "h" in small caps and gets confused with "b" and "d".


What else?


These few weeks had been busy. Something's going to change but Mr Liow wants to keep it a surprise. When it finally happens, I'll announce. BUT! I am NOT pregnant

That's about all to update for now.


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Good Idea

Terrible Two IS painful to go through...

But thank God for AN.

Was clearing the house by giving, selling and throwing stuff. Met a buyer this afternoon and AN was great help holding and passing me what I needed.

I gave the buyer our only paper bag to hold the 2 items she bought, and hugged the remaining 5-6 loose items back to the car. She helped carry some.

Then she laughed: "Mummy, next time you bring an extra plastic bag so that when you give one away, we still have one more to carry all these things."

Yes madam, I will do that the next time.


Terrible Two

This "terrible two" symptoms is worse than his sister's.

I almost forgot the intensity of it, till we're back at it again. Like labour pain, the tantrums, the screams and struggles leave an impression.

AN asked, right after I exploded at ER: "Shall we have another baby?"

What? Another addition to the rivalry, fights, disobedience, tantrums, mess and the list goes on?

She reasoned: "Not just that. You will have one more to sing to you. It makes you happy when we sing together for you right? One more baby will make you even more happy. Ethan and I will teach him to sing."

My sweet girl, thanks for subtly reminding me that mummyhood does not end at "Terrible Two".

With a sweet sister (not without her own set of struggles though), I'm sure ER will learn well..

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Self Declared Parking

AN parked her scooter outside.

Little one saw but attempted to 'drive' his sister's tricycle into their room.

He got stopped and asked to park it outside. Properly.

Not very proper. He'll need to practise more on his parking.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Most Patient Mum

We went on several trips with the Ngs in 2010. KJ was reaching two then, and at that age where most mums experience the legendary Terrible Two.

Back then, whenever I saw Mummy S so patiently guide KJ along, I would be awed, and shamed that I'm not even a quarter as patient. I saw flashbacks of AN's 'terrible' days and I shuddered.

No matter how KJ acted up, she would always be gentle and comforting. I had never even seen her frown. It's like she is blessed with NO temper and super patience!

2 and half years later, the daddy met up yesterday for a run.

I asked about them and reminisced about our trips. I recalled Mummy S' superhuman patience.

Mr Liow whispered in wonderment: "No...she's changed!" the guys do gossip....I mean, talk..the guys do talk about their wives.

WG said she's constantly upset with KJ now. She would always stomp into the house if she was the one fetching KJ from school.

WG said KJ is a handful (which most kids are).

That behaviour is all familiar to me. I enjoy my fair share of being blown up by my off springs.

But I can't imagine Mummy S blowing up.

Thank you dear, for sharing.

This made me feel like I'm normal. I still can't picture Mummy S looking angry. I'm just glad I'm not the only challenged mummy around.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

AN, ER's Security?

ER just woke up screaming and after about half hour of coaxing, we realized he wanted cold water to drink. He calmed down after we understood his request, drank and little and then agreed to return to the room to sleep.

Once back, he laid beside me for a while before finding his way to AN, snuggled beside her and hugged her from behind.

Almost instinctively, AN turned towards him and hugged him. I thought he woke her up but saw that AN was still fast asleep (she even made the 'tsk tsk' sound with her throat, something she used to do when she nursed to sleep. She still does that when fast asleep.)

Now they both of them are hugging and sleeping together.


That's a such a precious sight...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sweet Girl

Ok, I'm not hospitalized this time. Thank God! Was really feeling terrible last night after throwing up twice and passing liquid stools. I was really fearful and couldn't stop praying. I took diamenate which is a way, put me into a state of hallucination. I drifted in and out of dreams and almost couldn't tell when ER was disturbed out of his sleep (he rolled out of his comfort zone).

Saw the GP this morning to get more meds. I'm hit by stomach virus so much I run out of such meds fast.

MIL was around, so she helped me with ER and housework. Am thankful for her help!

AN is my sweet sweet girl.

After having been 'tortured' by cranky ER who had no nap this afternoon but refused to sleep even though he was obviously tired, I lost my cool and shouted at him "No, we are not going outside!" He wanted to get out of the room.

AN was concerned and asked why I shouted "ouch". She thought I hurt myself.

I told her I lost my patience and raised my voice at ER but she was so sympathetic. She assured me that she could hear me coz she was in daddy's room and it's just next door, which was why she could hear. Not because I was loud.

My dear girl...

And because she knew I was unwell, she actually patted my back as I turned to nurse ER who FINALLY stopped resisting sleep.

I love how she patted me: soooo gentle, assuring and loving.

My girl is growing up and I love what she's turning into. I pray she continues growing up to be sweet, understanding and affectionate.

I told her I love her so so much and she replied: "Mum, I love you more than so so much."

I love you Adrielle, more than I can tell you.

Stomach Flu Again?

I had been tossing in bed but couldn't sleep. Didn't feel right. Been wondering if I should go pop some panadols for flu.

Then I got the urge to poop. What came out was liquid stools, afterwhich I threw up!

Oh no.......

Not again!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Mr Liow got his flu shot last week and ER started dripping mucus yesterday.

AN looked a little off weather today and she's sniffing a little.

Me? Was fine, till I suddenly started sneezing continuously after dinner and my nose hasn't stopped leaking since.

What's worse? ER had been tossing for 2 hours and is still not sleepy.

I'm extremely tired now, and extremely touchy!

Hate sickness.


I'm tired, sick and upset that I'm still not allowed to rest after a long day today.

And I've been hearing "I woke up at 5am this tired."

How about finally knocking out at 1am last night but waking up hourly to the baby with stuffed nose? And then waking up at 7am to attend the PTM, then rush to prepare the kids for the wedding lunch?

I know I sound unreasonable. It IS tiring for those who have gotten out of bed since 5am AND for me who's gotten hardly any sleep at all.

Just shows how cranky I really am now. I really cannot fall sick....please dont attack me........

And there's AN's music class tomorrow.

I can NOT fall sick........

Anyway, I'm giving ventolin together with Flixotide just twice a day since yesterday, just to prevent ER's bronchitis from acting up.

He can't suckle.....please do not choke and throw up tonight....

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM)

It's the half yearly meetup with AN's teacher again. The last one in June, I was having fever and couldn't attend but the nice teachers would feedback whenever we meet at the door during pickup time.

Project (Miss Sue)
This year's project is about our earth, about protecting it and disasters etc.

AN still talks about Tucson! Miss Sue says that AN talks about Tucson very often. Guess it's because we don't see much of nature in Singapore and topics like hail storm and sand storm were stuff she experienced back there.

She's less of a chatterbox this time (AN explained that she talked to Vovo during Miss Sue's class previously coz Vovo doesn't understand English and she was helping to translate.)

AN loves lapbooking, something they are now doing. Miss Sue knew we used to do this when AN was younger and said AN is still very enthusiastic about these sessions.

Chinese (Miss Hao)
AN is very easily distracted during chinese writing time. She fiddles with her pencils and the what-nots in her pencil case. Needs lots of prompting and reminder to focus.

Miss Hao is all praises for AN's 'smartness', saying that with her street-smartness, she should be one of the best but she isn't. I get a feeling Miss Hao is trying not to tell me AN is one of the slowest learner in her class!


English/Math Montessori (Miss Ivy)
Totally opposite feedback from Chinese teacher.

AN has improved tremendously for this half year. She's more focused and learns well. Very interested too.

I asked about her being easily distracted and Miss Ivy said the kids are all the same. She only allows them a pencil and an eraser each during her lessons so they have nothing to fiddle with. She has no problems with AN (or any of the others for that matter) this way.

AN is reading the blue series now (forgot to ask what stage that is but I'll google when I have time) and tries new and challenging words by covering them part by part.

We do that at home but she will always complain that a particular word is too long.

Miss Ivy says AN bullies me. Hehe. Oh well. As long as she learns properly in school..

Next year's expectations will be different. Higher. I pray AN can keep up!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Baby Cooks For Me

Most Number of Syllabus

The longest sentence ER has spoken this far that's also coherent as well: "I wanna drink water."

Finally, a proper sentence!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Concert 2012

AN did her dance last Saturday with enthusiasm! She loves to imagine she's one of the dancers in the Disney shows and dances like them at home. And she gave her best on stage during this real performance. I'm a proud mum!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Broken Mum

She walked out to tell me her daughter chased her out and told her to change her address. Sil said she had tolerated the mum's nonsense for 38 years.

MIL sobbed.

No matter how disagreeable I am with her (MIL) behaviour, I could feel her brokeness.

That's something one should never say to their mum. It feels like death, with flashes of the past when the daughter was little and everything was perfect (almost).

I imagine AN or ER telling me that. My heart will probably stop beating.

Moral of the story:

Love my kids unconditionally. Maybe one day I'll be alone. But I live my remaining days with fond memories of loving them and having them love me back?

Leave them with more good memories than bad. I want them to remember me as loving.

A strict mummy can still be loving ok?

I better review AN's love language (she's been happy lately, so I guess her tank is relatively well filled. )


Not Unwelcome

The few things that bothered me was what values she's showing the kids (the nieces and our kids) through her behaviour.

"Do not teach me. SHOW me." That's something I hold on to in bringing up our kids.

Yesterday, she threatened to jump down from my SIL place. AN innocently asked me: "Mummy, nai nai say she wants to jump down. Jump down won't die?"

D@@@ it! WILL DIE! I told AN that her grandma is talking rubbish and that she (AN) MUST remember that she must never try that.

What d@@@ idea is she instilling in the heads of the 3 girls who understand what she's saying? Each has their own interpretation at their individual stage! The eldest is growing up and handing stress. Jump and die because things don't go her way? Even grandma considered that as an option!

Those constant moments of MIL relentlessly talking about money. Money. MONEY.

She links EVERY action to money. Even when a malaysian cousin got pregnant with twins, she gossiped that it's because they are too rich.

Who goes make herself pregnant, go through all the pain and takes on the permanent duty of bringing up their offspring, just because she is too rich?

That's brainless, not rich.

Why not because they love kids?? At least I prefer that AN consider kids in future because she is ready, NOT BECAUSE SHE HAS TOO MUCH MONEY!

Money makes HER world go round. And I hate how she never stops punctuating her sentences with "must have money", "only if you have the money".

Besides money, it's looking good. She criticises people who dress down. Nevermind the criticising. She emphasises that we MUST all dress well because others will look down on us if we do not. She repeats that to my kids.

No! No one looks down on them over shallow reasons like that, except shallow people like herself! Which is why I hate it when AN looks at people sometimes and innocently go "why that person wear that? Not nice at all.." And I have to remind her that we do not judge a person by their riches or what they wear.

Like that I told Mr Liow. Values start young. They become slaves to whatever you teach them from young. I don't want my kids to be money loving or material loving! I'm building foundation for them to be able to tell right from wrong later in life but here she comes weekly, to hammer holes in their foundation.

Now it's going to be daily.

So does it mean that because nai nai is not a millionaire, we shouldn't let her stay with us? That's what she's teaching isn't it?

I'm glad Mr Liow understood my worries but like I assured him, his mum can stay for as long as she wants. I understand she has nowhere else to go to because her home is rented out. Even if she just wants to stay with us regardless, I welcome her. I just need time to adjust.

Frankly, it would be better if she came over to stay not because she got chased out or ran away.

I told AN she came to stay because she also wants to be with them. Not interested to teach AN to run away from home with this bad example staring us in the face.

Yes, I lied.

But what is worse?

I'm going to my parents place this afternoon. I don't want to end up doing or saying something that displeased her. Not interested to lie on the chopping board and wait for things to happen.

And my kids need not go have to wonder what's happening.

I just want to protect my children.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


They quarrelled, and she got 'invited' out of the house by SIL...

Forbearance has a limit. The limit is reached yet again.

I heard that she threw food but Mr Liow didn't include that when I asked.

So, let's see what's going to happen next.

There's always our place at her beck and call whenever she doesn't get it her way there. Because she will always get it her way with me?

So, is it not a blessing in disguise that I'm "too nice a person" like my hubby tells me? Because otherwise, he will be in a worse position than he can be at times like these...

Ideally, I shouldn't not nice at all. Why should I, right?


We probably should have taken the kids with us to shop for aircon today.



This is it. The day is here.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Honesty in Training

ER is into imitating his sister recently.

AN: "Ouch! Ethan! I'm going to tell mummy!"

ER: "Ah tell nai nai."

AN stomped into the kitchen and complained.

"Mummy! Ethan beat me!"

From where we were, I heard the boy head the opposite direction to my MIL, also to complain.

"Nai nai! Ah beat jie jie!"

That's honest.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Concert Outfit

AN will be doing as Aboriginal dance tomorrow in her concert: A Better Gaia Tomorrow Starts Today

She's so excited about tomorrow! Since the day she brought her costume home, she's been counting down to Saturday.

We're looking forward to watching our little performer!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Potty Update

3 times of success today!

Success 1:

Sat ER on the adult toilet with the kiddy seat attachment this morning and I whistled (a traditional way to get kids to pee that I've never used on AN and have no idea why I used it on ER today).

No pee. So I urged him to poop by going "mmmmm!" (the sound one makes to push poop out).

He copied me....and peed.

Moral of the story: tradition only works on those who believe in them.

Success story 2:

I was showering him and he told me: "pee pee". Then he looked down at his little buddy and peed.

Success story 3:

He jumped around urgently and shouted "poo poo!" while attempting to take his own diapers off. Once diaper-less, he ran to the potty (this time the kiddy potty, not the adults'), sat down and peed!

The potty sang music for him and he was so proud of that moment. So was I and AN who was home after school.


Love Bite

According to AN, ER was playing with her, smearing her face with saliva when he "suddenly saw this (pointing to her right cheek) and bite me!"

Poor girl....the bite mark has turned into a little black bruise.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Bonding Time

Monday, November 5, 2012

ER Recites Brown Bear (Part of it)

Love of Her Life

A friend (K) lost her husband last evening after a long battle with the dreaded cancer.

They have 3 very young children with the eldest in K2 and youngest just a year old.

I remember the last time we met, it was during Mr Liow's promotion ceremony in 2007. They were there for the same thing. AN was only 3 months old and I chatted with K about everything kids-related. And then we had dinner together after the ceremony.

Shortly after, Mr Liow got to hear that the husband wasn't well. Along the way, we heard of him going through surgery to remove a tumor, recovered but then it came back most recently.

Just 2 days ago, their eldest daughter pleaded with him to attend her graduation concert (before she moves on to Primary 1) because she wants it to be perfect. He breathlessly replied that he'll try.

K is a strong woman. Very strong.

Yet life is so fragile.

We wonder what happens when one passes on. Do we open our eyes and see ourselves in heaven? Do we walk through the tunnel? What is it like?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Day Out

Mr Liow volunteered to take care of ER today so I could bring AN out. Just my daughter and I!
AN asked to do sand art, so off we went to Nex.

We got there at about 10.30am but realized the art stall opens AFTER 12pm. Having lots of time on hand, we went shopping.

It's hard to resist shopping for a girl. I got her leggings, a necklace and a magnetic dress up set. She was super hungry by then, so we went for prata! Timing was perfect, because she was hungry before starting on the art work. If it was the other way around, she probably would have missed lunch.

I had a great time with her and I think she did too. We laughed and joked and she hugged me as she walked. It was such a lovely afternoon together that I suddenly wished that she is my only child. I missed giving her all these attention.

While waiting to do the sand art, AN asked to check out the puppies at Pet Safari.

We walked through rows of BM's favorite treats. I told AN what we used to buy for them. And I saw a ceramic bowl that was perfect for keeping their spaniel ears out of their food and it was only $7.90.

I told AN of my find and she looked at me sympathetically, squeezing my hand that she had been holding and softly reminded me: "Mummy, Baileys and Maen are not with us anymore. Don't be sad, don't cry anymore ok?"

Her words of consolation made me feel like laughing and crying at the same time.

We were done by 3.30pm and AN was hungry again. We grabbed some finger food before heading home. She fell asleep on the bus.

I totally forgot about the little boy at home with his daddy while outside, but the moment I stepped in the house and saw that adorable smile and heard his enthusiastic exclamation: "MUMMY!", I melted.

I seriously wish I can divide myself so that they don't have to live with divided attention.

I love my little ones.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Escaped Alive

My hero rushed home to save me.

He splashed hot water where I last saw it but nothing happened. He was about to give up when, according to him, he saw slight movement from corner of his eye.

He almost lost it but it came out from the other side and ran into the living room.

My brave hubby doesn't fancy being near a lizard but pursued the lizard with either an invitation OUT of the house, or pardon me, a quick end.

Sounds sadistic of us but they grow to fast, and forms a big family too fast as well. It's horrifying for them to live with us, and vice versa.

This one has a thick hide. It escaped.

Mr Liow stuffed towels below the door, hoping it doesn't find its way back.


Like he said, we didn't kill a living thing tonight and saw it run out. We can sleep in peace.

P.s: I enjoy watching Mr Liow catch creepy crawlies for me. He's a joker and when he's cornered (by me to produce proof that the reptile is gone), he starts joking.

"Imagine the lizard has safely escaped to the other side of the kitchen and is watching us stupidly hunting the wrong place for it. It'll laugh till it falls off."


Haven't seen a lizard for some time. Of all days, it's here when Mr Liow is out.

I'm staring at it now.....and it's going into hiding.

my hair standing and I can't move.....

die....I'm done for the next few days unless Mr Liow sows me a dead corpse of it later.

I can't see it now!


Friday, November 2, 2012

My Jewels

I've not worn anything around my neck since AN was born.

But without me noticing, I had been wearing necklaces of highest worth!

Praying Mantis?

I was clearing the toys without my glasses and almost dumped it into their toy bin. But it didn't feel familiar like any of their toys. To think I actually held it between my fingers


ER looked at me admiringly like I was some hero when he smiled and asked: "what's zat?", pointing to that bug I was holding.

I am not a hero.

I'm just myopic.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

2nd Potty Successful!

ER peed in the potty for the second time!

He didn't want to sit on the potty so I told him I'm getting him a new diaper and asked if he would wait for me sitting down.

He said "ok".

Before I got back in time, the potty started playing music (their potty does that when water hits the 'contact point').

I'm excited! I'm always taking him at the wrong time. Hope we get more 'hits' so that he gets the idea soon!

First one here:

Decoding Baby Talk

ER had been saying "I b you" for weeks now. Each time he does, he runs after AN with a 'weapon' (anything from lego to pillow). AN runs away screaming for help and I'll have to remind him that beating is wrong!


Then I noticed when he does that with his toys, he merely points the 'weapon' at the non-moving victims and warns: "I b you!"

He had only been mimicking sounds of a gunshot (& obviously not doing it well..). He was not threatening "I beat you".


I told AN that yesterday and she stopped running away from him and realized for herself that he hadn't been running after her to beat her afterall. She's less afraid of him when he goes "I b you" now.

Just a while ago, he pointed at a sponge they used for painting and went: "My I b you!" "I b you" what he calls a gun? I've never taught him about guns. It's now time to teach him "I b you" is called a gun.

And I had been worried that he had been so mean lately.

*heaves sighs of relief*