Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Potty Update

3 times of success today!

Success 1:

Sat ER on the adult toilet with the kiddy seat attachment this morning and I whistled (a traditional way to get kids to pee that I've never used on AN and have no idea why I used it on ER today).

No pee. So I urged him to poop by going "mmmmm!" (the sound one makes to push poop out).

He copied me....and peed.

Moral of the story: tradition only works on those who believe in them.

Success story 2:

I was showering him and he told me: "pee pee". Then he looked down at his little buddy and peed.

Success story 3:

He jumped around urgently and shouted "poo poo!" while attempting to take his own diapers off. Once diaper-less, he ran to the potty (this time the kiddy potty, not the adults'), sat down and peed!

The potty sang music for him and he was so proud of that moment. So was I and AN who was home after school.


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