Thursday, November 29, 2012


ER started having runny nose about 2 weeks ago. It didn't blossom into the dreaded bronchitis! He's either outgrowing it, or Flixotide did help. It was purely managing the usual cough and runny nose without much emphasis on his panting, which didn't happen for the second time it threatened to attack. Thank God!

ER's potty training is still in progress. I've no guts to take away diapers. Am only putting him on potty on a more regular basis. He's not ready. He pees randomly and doesn't tell me when he needs to go. But he does look down at his diapers as he pees. And he feels the warmth of fresh pee seeping into his diaper with his hands. I'll inform him that he peed and has to tell me if he needs to go.

He is able to pee on command though (unless he peed not too long ago). I'll put him on the potty, he goes "mmmmm" and pee shoots out, even if it's only a couple of drops. Hehe.

He's going through the terrible two. There are extremely difficult days and extremely enjoyable ones.

He's getting difficult to put to bed at night, screaming to be let out to continue playing regardless of how late.

Eating is still his struggle, as is feeding him MY test of patience.

AN is improving on her reading and word recognition BUT she forgot some small letters! I panicked when I realised she forgot how to write "h" in small caps and gets confused with "b" and "d".


What else?


These few weeks had been busy. Something's going to change but Mr Liow wants to keep it a surprise. When it finally happens, I'll announce. BUT! I am NOT pregnant

That's about all to update for now.


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