Saturday, March 3, 2012


My mum had been coming over to help this past week since my fever started, or even if not here, she came to bring ER to her place.

Because it's weekend, mum knows her place. She is just a maternal grandma, and weekend doesn't belong to her.

But not as if it mattered to the paternal grandma...she went out from morning and is still not back yet. But she made porridge for us and kids before she left. I must learn to be thankful.

Most of all, I have to credit Mr Liow. I had been sleeping a lot since last night. The cough syrup made me so drowsy I had thrown up 3 times already :( I'm not going to take any more of it.

That's not the point.

The point is, Mr Liow could fill the gap I left now that I'm constantly bedridden. He changed the kids, bathed AN, fed ER, got groceries, and kept them occupied so that I could rest. I was sleepy the whole day despite my last cough syrup dosage taken at 6am this morning. That strong huh??

I dozed off while he went to get us dinner.

He made me come into the room to sleep, but I'm not sleepy now. But I'm lying down. Fever still at 38.4°C before panadol. Took so much pills my saliva tastes bitter now. :(

The bitter tastes in my mouth makes me gag.

And because I'm lying down in the room, he's alone with the kids. He's handling them so well, no tears, no struggles.

AN was an angel too. I was drifting in and out of sleep while Mr Liow was out getting dinner. I saw her watching over ER, carrying him off the sofa when he was dangerously near the edge, she packed the coffeetable and didn't just chuck those books and toys away. She put them into their appropriate containers and shelves. And then she gave ER water to drink after opening the cover so that ER could sip, and then she drank her own water.

She then came to sit beside me, and patted me rhythmically.

I could see everything she did but I had no energy to pluck myself out before drifting asleep again.

My angels. I'm thankful for people who love me.

This is day 5 of fever and it still goes up to mid 38 when fever relief wears off..what can this be?

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