Monday, March 28, 2011

Amoled Screen, Nice.

Am finding reasons to be happy with my Galaxy Beam. It's not a silly phone, but it can be sooo laggy at times I feel like banging it back to life again.

Was reading my blog with my old pal, iPod touch II and wondering if it's good or bad news that there's a very very notable difference in the screens of the 2 devices: the amoled screen of my Beam shows such vibrant colours that when I see the green colour (in particular) on my blog with my iPod touch now, I feel somewhat uncomfortable. The green here looks washed out compared to that on my beam.

But the iPod touch is so super responsive my android feels .... like a preschooler who gets stuck when staring at numbers greater than 20..

But my android is unique.. I have spent many nights while nursing the then-newborn ER customizing it (androids are customizable) and it's almost impossible to find another beam that's identical.

Why am I comparing Apple and Android now when I have a 4 year old with high fever whom I'm suppsednto he caring for? I also don't know. Am just suddenly hoping I can find something with Apple's responsiveness combined with Android's screen and nice. Hehe. That will give blogging mummies who rely on smartphones to update friends and readers on what's going on each day, additional options to include media without lagging. Hehe.

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