Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Another Start

Given a second chance, I wouldn't have done what I had chosen to do. If I had known I wouldn't be able to handle all that I am given, I wouldn't have chosen to bring Baileys and Maen into my life 6 years ago. If anyone had known their marriage will end up in a separation, one probably wouldn't have gotten married in the first place.

If only.

I never regretted having kids. They are part Mr Liow, part me. One day if Mr Liow happens to leave before me, they will be what he leaves me to remember him by, and vice versa.

People say, live with no regrets. How to? 2 wrongs do not make 1 right. I made a wrong choice to ever have had furkids and it will not make right how I bring up the human kids if I remain grumpy and constantly busy with housework, with no extra time and patience for them. This is going to erupt into another "if only I had ..... "

I am trying to justify my decision but honestly, no amount of professing my love for the furkids will do enough to make up for it.

But then again, I will still try and I may probably have them with me till they die, who knows, right?


  1. Dear Judy,

    I've been an avid reader of your blog for the longest time since you first had BM, then AN, then ER.. got to know of your blog through doggiesite (when i frequented that forum to learn more about having a dog). Your journey has given me much hope, and thank you for being so real and sincere in your posts. As you mentioned, writing publicly puts you and your family in a vulnerable position, and you really don't deserve the nasty comments by people who aren't in your shoes.

    Please do keep me in the loop if you don't mind.

  2. Hi AY, your nick does look familiar :( On second thoughts, I think I should 'privatize' this new one (within my limited knowledge of programming) by removing it from the old blog. At least I can try to figure out who's reading and who's just "passing by".

    Thanks for your kind words. You have no idea how much it means to me :)

  3. hi Judy,

    my nick on doggiesite is dardaa (someone else is AY on doggiesite).. anyway, just hope you don't mind me reading (:

    in fairness, my blog is

  4. you are more than welcome to share in my life :)
