Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Random things they say

ER: "Mummy I smell sai sai (poop)."
Me: "Is it you? Did you poop or fart?"
ER: "Not me. I didn't!"
I didn't smell anything.
Me: "Or is it mummy's mouth? You smell?"
ER sniffed and smiled: "Oops. Sorry. It's your mouth."



Their school started charging GST for school fees since last year and there had already been an increase in fees for the additional enrichment classes in school at the same time last year. When I saw on AN's payment slip that GST is also being collected on the enrichment class she is going for, I wondered out loud why.

Me: "Huh...GST for speech and drama too?"
AN: "Mummy I think I don't want to go for speech and drama already."
Me: "Why? You enjoy it so much! And you like Ms Sun too right?"
AN: "Because it's getting expensive. And you have to pay the what-what-T?"
Me: "GST?"
AN: "Ya."

She had been asking to do the snack craft thing every weekend and it's not cheap (not to mention, not very healthy). And she likes having sushi after music classes. And she enjoys doing craft-y stuff that I cannot stop buying for her because I enjoy doing craft work too (and watching her skillful fingers at work).

These additional expenses are what we can do without. We have more and more financial commitments now and so I told her that we cannot splurge on things that we do not need.

I told her that we may be able afford a little more once I start working again but for now, we just have to watch what we spend on.

I'm surprised that she remembers what I said about not spending on unnecessary stuff and thinks that the additional GST is a burden.

I assured her that the GST is just a tiny bit more and moreover I'll check with the teachers because it may have been a mistake (which turned out to be an overlook by the school afterall).

My girl is growing up but still as sweet.

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