Friday, August 23, 2013

What Am I Busy With?

If you ask me what I do the whole day, I don't really know. It seemed like I do nothing but everything I did, I did with a rush.

The very insensitive person in our house wondered what kept her sister (who was looking after a new grand daughter who is 7 days younger than ER) so busy that she kept missing her calls.

That same period,  she would flare up at Mr Liow and I when we missed her calls. ER was only months old.

Her question: "有电话不接,拿电话干什么 ? 丢掉拉。" (why keep a phone when you don't answer calls?  You should dump it.)

This explains how she never fails to answer her calls even if she's in the midst of cooking or babysitting. Calls are more important than children.

That also explains more of why I have no respect for her. For one who had been through motherhood herself, who had helped with Grand children, I can't see how hard it is to understand how tight time is each day.

Don't understand nevermind. So mean with her comments too. I don't have to be nice in my comments with her either.

By the way, I heard her telling AN off and thought I heard wrongly. Checked with AN and then realized she ACTUALLY told AN off because she accidentally kicked AN and AN told her she kicked her.

I heard her tell AN "我不小心,你讲我踢你" after telling AN off she didn't apologize. What a fantastic example she's setting.

Not only did she not apologize,  she scolded AN for defending herself.


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