Friday, July 8, 2011

Eating Better

ER had more food today. He's not as enthusiatic as he was on Saturday about his porridge (and even his cereals) but he had quite a good amount comparing to other days before his appetite started to improve.

For breakfast, it was Oatmeal with peach. He didnt finish his cereals but finished almost 1 cube of pureed peach. That's about 3 cubes I offered and he had about 2 cubes' worth of food.

Lunch was pasta stars with sweet potato and avocado. He finished half of what I gave him. Before nap, he had a few bites of watermelon because jie jie was having some. He looked interested, so i gave him some. He chewed them on his own, so I didn't have to turn them into purée.

Dinner was porridge with avocado and French beans (Also known as green beans when we were in USA). He finished all the food. That's about an estimation 4 cubes of food (1 cube each of the vegetables, a little fish and about 2 cubes of porridge cooked). After dinner, mum said she'd try to scrap apples to feed him (her first time feeding him) and he had a tiny bit.

He enjoys sweet food, unlike AN. AN used to love vegetable tasting food and didn't really enjoy fruits or sweet tasting vegetables much. That was partly why I prepared less fruits for her as compared to vegetables...and how she was constipated quite a fair bit when younger.

Was telling Mr Liow, if ER continues to enjoy food, he doesnt need to be a big eater, we should be able to see him put on a little more bulk soon. He's really a little too...... slim for a 9 month old. He's going to lose baby fats when he grows, so I hope he has those baby fats to lose.

Most importantly, I'm happy he's eating because he's getting all sorts of nutrients from the different food he gets in a week.

I'm more adventurous with him this time. I remembered I grounded AN's rice for porridge in the past but really, at this stage, they do not really need rice to be grounded anymore. ER can chew pasta stars already, and AN never got pasta stars till we got to Tucson.

Mum didn't believe ER could chew watermelon but he did. I didn't know if he could initially but there was no harm letting him try. In the past, I'd not have taken the risk and let AN chew anything that I'm not confident she wouldnt choke on.

No wonder second kids tend to learn faster. They watch older siblings and learns. Parents too, are more experienced and dares let them explore more than they would with the first child.

Let's see what I can get for him this weekend for next week. Am thinking of potato, eggplant and the bell peppers. More colourful food to come. And maybe cod fish as well.


  1. you are making me HUNGRY!!!!!!
    Think next time u should open a baby restaurant, I'll be ur 1st customer!

  2. I can't. I'm lousy at making food! The 2 yrs in USA was something out of the extraoridnary that happened. Hehe. U check out, they prepare frozen purees for the little ones. They hv little corner at united square. Come the time for Enya's first food, u can check them out. I've not gotten anything from them yet, but have 'bookmarked' them!
