Thursday, July 28, 2011

ER at 10 Month Old

He's been doing more and more stuff lately. If I don't note them down, I'm going to risk forgetting his progress and preferences.

I've not been checking in with milestones so there are probably some stuff he's doing that other younger babies are already able to do.

He's started his "mum-mum" chants. At this stage, I'd like to believe he's addressing me but no. It's just part of what he has to learn and is currently learning to say. It's cute when he looks longingly at food and chants "mum-mum". I go into self make-believe that he's actually VERY interested in food. Hehe.

Just last month, he was constantly chanting "jie jie" to which AN gladly responded, confident that he was calling out to her.

He's not a keen eater, sometimes eating more and at other times less. He seems to enjoy potatoes. He had half a potato after his dinner this evening. I gave them (from our soup before mum added seasoning) to him in chew sized pieces. He's improving at chewing. So purees now are mainly "au natural" seasoning for his porridge/pasta etc if I do not have stock on hand. Vegetables get chopped up for him to chew on.

He's ok with almost everyone. Most people can easily take him from me, when he's not sleepy or grouchy. When he is, he wants "nobody nobody but" ME.

Motor Skills:
He's discovering his hands (wrists, fists, arms) and is learning to use them to do more. He flaps them when he's happy or upset (extreme emotions mostly), "nods" his palm to imitate us when we wave goodbye, tries to do the "high five", "low five" and "baby five".

He's also learning to throw instead of drop now. He had flung a small bear quite a distance on a few occasions.

Been teaching him to sign, but he's still not signing yet. One thing I noticed him doing lately was, he's pound on my chest frantically in frustration. The way to appease him would be to nurse him. I wonder if that's how he's "signing" his intention the non-ASL way.

He's crawling, and cruising, and standing with support. He can stand for a few seconds on his own without support but nothing near steady to be worth much mention yet.

That's all for now. I wish I had been watching the soccer match with Mr Liow but too bad I'm still stuck to my little tiger..

posted from Bloggeroid

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