Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Been rather moody and touchy since 2 days ago and it seems AN is at the receiving end more than anyone else.

Since 2 days ago, of all times, she started to have night toileting glitches. I can wake her up to pee and she'd still have her training pants wet the next morning. It's been months since she stayed dry at night and would wake me up to bring her to the restroom if she needed to relieve herself.

I was disappointed, no doubt. And she was frightened when she knew she wet herself. I was so so tempted to scold her and it took me tonnes of energy to keep myself from saying anything.

Very very moody.

And ER is teething. Finally, those missing teeth are sprouting! 8 of them are appearing at the same time. Must be painful because he's not chewing his food and his appetite got worse than ever.

To ensure he continues to receive nutrients, I gave him milk more often (since he's not eating) and I guess he's growth rather sick of it. He threw up as much as I gave him on several occasions...

My only consolation is, this happy boy keeps my moodiness under control with his cheerfulness.

I feel bad towards AN because my tolerance level is lower than usual as it is and it's almost like nothing she did was right...

There was finally some improvements tonight. She didn't get into trouble for anything.

But she was wet again when I woke her up for toilet duties at 1am. :( Could feel my anger gushing up to my head and THANK GOD I fought back the urge to react! She gave me a sleepy smile, blissfully unaware that mummy was fighting herself inside.

I love her. I need to show it more :( I need to keep my emotions in check :(

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