Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year of the Lizards

What a memorable end to 2012.....

2 lizards in 15 mins:
- First (spotted by AN crawling on the ceiling) was terminated (sorry but I really cannot live with lizards under the same roof).

- Second (that showed itself while I was clearing the earlier evidences of murder) is hiding for dear life.

The superstitious cell in me is jeering: "One lizard for the year that has past, one for the new year! Many more lizards to come!"

This is it. I can never live another day looking anywhere else but the floor and walls....

Happy New Year, Dear.

Mr Liow got the second one @ 2357hrs. The lizard didn't cross over to the new year with us.

I know reading about dying lizards make some of you uncomfortable. My apologies.

For now, the house should be temporarily lizard-free till further notice.

Dear lizards, there are people who appreciate your capability in keeping the insect populations under control and welcome you with open windows and doors.

It'll be much safer for you and your clan to work for the appreciative human.

Please try not to enter gaps of a particularly strong lemongrass-smelling house. Lemongrass is supposed to keep you out, just in case you were not briefed when you were younger.

Happy New Year to all! I think we can all sleep better tonight..

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