Wednesday, February 6, 2013


When I was 6 years old, I remember myself cycling, playing at the beach, badminton with mum and brother, shopping, playing tv games....and doing nothing related to studies or enrichment classes (music started only when I was 7).

Poor kids these days start early.

There are Primary 1 preparation classes available. And AN's school offers that for full day students.

I read about the enrichment classes S goes for and am a little worried AN isn't getting enough. She's only going for music lessons besides school.

So, I went to ask around a little and realized those preparation classes are basically lots of working on actual Primary 1 books. Some model a big classroom environment.

The auntie-ness in me decided it's more economical to get her books to work on with her at home and probably start her on full day in school later in the year to benefit from the prepatory class.

She loved those books I got and immediately pleaded to start doing them. And if no one says stop, I think she'll be able to complete all 3 books in a month..

I set a limit for her to complete an exercise of each subject each day though. More only if she's done with her music and revision for 听写.

Whenever she starts "working" and momentum kicks in, she "automatically" goes through all assignments without being asked to.

Somehow, watching her enjoy what I personally find stressful makes me feel less guilty making her practice on Primary 1 stuff prematurely, and relieved that she's spending her time more effectively than having nothing to do at my mum's place after school.

My worry is that something will kill her interest in learning along the way. My impatience is one of them and I promised I'll try to not be too.fierce.

I'm thankful AN enjoys learning. As with most mums, I struggle with coaxing the kids into doing things they may not want to do each day (don't want to eat, don't want to sleep, don't want to empty their bladder in the toilet...and list goes on.)

I can't be any more thankful that getting AN to do homework is no struggle. *phew*

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