Monday, April 2, 2012


Miss Elvia is teaching the children "sharp" for the first time and after a short lesson on it, she asked the children which note "fa sharp" is.

After getting several wrong answers, she drew an arrow across from the red "sharp" on the left, right to where the correct note is on the right.

Aaron, one of AN's classmate, got the idea and confidently gave his answer.

Teacher was glad someone got it right but Aaron went on to explain his answer: "because you drew an arrow and pointed to it!"

After having a good laugh (and all the parents did, including Aaron's mum), Miss Elvia explained that she wasn't pointing to the answer. She wanted them to see better with the arrow to support her explaination that note "fa sharp" sits on that same line as the "sharp" indicated beside the f clef.

How innocent children are! So cute (^_____^)

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