Friday, April 13, 2012

Singapore Guiness Book of Record

To coincide with SHSS's Anniversary (I can't remember how old our school will be. Will check and update again later), the volleyball team has organised an event. The games will continue for 24 hours and that will be recorded in the Singapore Guiness Book of Record (girls, correct me if I'm wrong please!) Mr Liow signed up for it and we brought the kids there. Shirley was there for the 9pm match and Mr Liow's game was at 10pm. The preggie Fang was there with V too. Little V was sleepy and didn't move around much initially but soon warmed up. Boys must really love balls. Love the giggle when his mummy played with him!! I really am going to miss babies. It was a good time of catching up with the juniors. Out of the hundreds of them, I only recognised 3 girls, besides the boys in Mr Liow's team and Shirl. Not quite boys and girls anymore but let's just leave it at that because that is what I last remembered of them. hehe. AN had a good time running after Joshua and was grouchy after he left. She kept whining about having no one to play ball with her but I couldn't play with her because ER was happily walking up and down the stairs to the spectators' stand. I was no less sweaty than the players with all the non-stop action. All thanks to the little tiger. The ball kept him busy for a while, almost an hour. The big gor gors and jie jies too helped to entertain him. Kids these days are so vocal! They are very much like adults and I was quite surprised they were so friendly. I do not remember us being that way. We did not talk to strangers, did we? And I know I wouldn't dare to play with someone's baby no matter how tempted I felt when I was a teenager. I was shy. But the teenagers are now different. They played with ER, chatted with me. It was as if we knew each other. But then again, it was a reunion. Everyone in the hall must be a St.Hildian, or must have been one. Maybe an unexplainable bond? But I sure do feel old watching them. Once upon a time, I was them. I was telling a girl that by the time my kids are their age, they will be my age and probably running after their own kids if there will be another of such a big-scaled reunion. The kids did not give me much chance to watch the games. I randomly saw Shirley receive balls, saw Mr Liow spike and that was about all I saw. :( Halfway into Mr Liow's game, the kids got increasingly restless. ER made countless attempts to run into the court while the game was on. If he was not walking up and down the stairs, he would be trying to get into the game. And AN's repeated "no one to play with me" made me decide to bring them back to the car to watch a show instead. Mr Liow's game ended soon. The whole event will take place over the night till 5pm the next day. Some of the girls whose match had ended, had parents come to fetch them. I told AN that if she has to take part in events like these in future, we will go fetch her once she is done. She can call us anytime. I was thinking as a protective mum. My baby girl's eyes lighted up. She had a totally different interpretation of my sentence. She asked: "Mummy, did you say I will have my own handphone when I grow up?" -_______-" Yes, my dear. You will.

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