Sunday, May 5, 2013

Treasure Hunt for Stories

AN had been testing my creativity.

It was play-acting serving and dining in a restaurant few days ago, and story telling and checking books in/out library on Friday night.

Last night AN asked me what it would be but we ended up sleeping earlier than usual because the kids were tired.

Today, I drew a map of daddy's room (that we have invaded in his absence. I've not had time to update that he's been away to Phoenix for the past week and back in 4 hours. Yeah!)

I hid 3 quotes from 3 stories. And "astrix-ed" where I hid them.

Each time AN found one, I'll read one of the 3 stories to see if she could match the quote to that story.

She already enjoys listening to stories and this made her more attentive than usual (at other times, she usually does her own analysis of the story out loud as I tell it). The searching for hints just spiced up her anticipation more.

My baby asked if we could do it again tomorrow.


I'm happy she enjoyed it.

Because I really have little ideas what we can do with a destructive little boy lurking in the background as we play, if our activities are not age-appropriate for him.

Today, AN engaged him in searching.

I'll do the treasure hunt game again. Probably, the next time round, we'll hunt for words to piece up to make a familiar sentence.

Like AN excitedly told me after the game: "I feel like Jake and the Neverland Pirates!"

Whatever makes her happy :)

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