Thursday, April 4, 2013

No Milk

This cheeky boy has taken to updating me lately, that I'm running low on supply when he latches.

He goes: "Mummy, this side no milk. Ethan drink this side (pointing to the other side)."

Sometimes, he unlatches and announces: "Mummy! No more milk! This side no milk. This side no milk. 2 sides no milk!"

Then he runs off.

About time he's weaned I guess.

My journey with my babies is coming to an end.


  1. 会No milk 的吗?我不知道leh!
    I thought as long as u keep latching , it will supply.
    Oh dear oh dear..I hope Ern would be able to tell me like Ethan did when there's no milk anymore.

    But if express will boost the supply anot?
    I read some women managed to relactate after stopping for sometime.

  2. When I express, there is. maybe not enough anymore, since he's alry 30mths old, my supply dwindling. U try asking ERN? Coz AN used to tell me I have no milk on my right (even though it feels full to me). But she liked the left coz she gets milk frm tt side.
