Monday, April 1, 2013

One week in Taipei

Been a really packed week with lots of walking, time spent on traveling between places and EATING!

Had been tiring, and rather depressing at times when the kids had enough of walking (I'd say, we really walked A LOT) and they would be really difficult. But then there had been many fun moments too. I love my family, beyond words.

Mum had been very naggy, worrying that the kids would be tired, cold, hungry. And she nagged about almost everything. Got on ah girl's nerves. Lol!

Mum had only the kids' priority at heart. She would come over to our room to help feed the kids in the mornings so that they had energy for the rest of the morning. She would help prepare cooled, previously boiled water, for the kids. Till I told her there was no need to, because I would do it. She brought an empty bag, just so that she could help us carry things we had no extra hands for. That's my mum: everything for her family, even if she has to go against the flow.

AN walked most of the time with us, except when it's nap time. Poor Mr Liow would then have to carry her while she slept.

ER too, wanted to be carried most of the time, which wasn't a bad thing in my opinion, because where we visited most of the days, pedestrians share the same alleys as vehicles. Extremely dangerous because I don't think the drivers can see little ER walking on the road.

Therefore, I ate all I wanted. Because I had all the workout I needed. Lol!

Sigh...I can't believe the week is over.

Mr Liow and Andy is already talking about another vacation, probably in June to Genting.

That's something to look forward to!

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