Monday, July 22, 2013

Why Shekinah?

Last week was bad. ER cried when I left him in school every morning.

He pleaded that I bring him into the classroom on Friday. I did after explaining to him that I had to leave right after walking him in.

AN and I walked him to the breakfast table but he wanted me to have breakfast with him. Thank goodness Miss Sue was around and I was surprised he willingly opened his arms for her to carry him when she asked if he needed a hug. Usually, when his attention is locked onto me, no one can take him away. Not even Mr Liow.

MIL had been questioning me on how I know the teachers in this school can be trusted. She thinks it has something to do with him being neglected in school that caused him to cry more than usual (I flare up more easily these days BECAUSE OF HER CONSTANT INTERFERENCE TOO. I'm sure that's affecting him. But who's going to help us? Nobody. She's coming and going as she pleases and no. She's never the cause of bad things that happen.)

She kept asking me last week after she read of the teacher pushing the kid to the ground if I could be sure my kids aren't being abused. To be honest, I can't be sure if I could trust the teachers when I chose this school. How did she trust the schools his nieces were in anyway?

Was she ever sure herself? Did she request and get to watch daily videos of school activities from day to evening? Don't question me if you hadn't been that sure yourself.

What matters is that AN enjoys herself and I can see passion in the teachers over the years. I can also see frustrations in the teachers when the kids do not behave. The kids get reprimanded for being rowdy like how one gets it from a regular mummy.

What assures me most is the communication I get with the teachers regarding my concerns.

AN's account of punishment method is in sync with the teachers' when I asked (even before this recent incident): for the kindergarten children, they get taken into the office if they repeatedly commit the same offence. I then worry about child abuse behind closed doors but AN said the 2  principals are in the office. So I'm relieved. At least I trust that even if the principals do not care for the kids, they care for the school's reputation and will not resort to violence or allow it.

And I'm touched when Miss Ivy told me once during PTM when I voiced out that AN loses focus very easily, that Miss Sue is worried that Adrielle will have problems in Primary school because of that too.

The teachers discuss about the students and them worrying for my child is something I find precious as a mum when I put my little ones in the hands of strangers.

I don't know how to explain to mil when she asks and I won't bother. My answer is simple "I have no proof that they do not abuse my kids".

At the very least, these teachers know my children better than she does. At the very least, I trust her teachers more than her, for apparent reasons.

That's how I chose Shekinah. That, she doesn't need to know.

P.S: ER went to school happily today and even gave me a goodbye muack.

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