Monday, November 28, 2011

(Relatively) Peaceful Day

Monday (28th November)
Countdown: 6 days

Not much struggle with AN today. In fact, we got to enjoy a couple of activities together. Mum got her a stencilling set on Saturday and she had been enjoying herself, drawing with the stencils since. This morning before she left for school, she asked that I draw some pictures with them so that she knows how else to use the stencils.

When she came back, she started exploring ideas from my drawing and is learning to shade (to give some dimensions to the otherwise flat and boring pictures).

We managed to facetime with Mr Liow after AN got home from school. She didn't cry, didn't plead that he come back immediately, didn't behave abnormal. She had lunch while chatting with him and ended the call willingly. Guess she's getting used to his absence.

ER was cranky by 2pm but AN's hair was still damp after shower. She agreed when I said I'd bring ER in for his nap first while she waited for her hair to dry. On bad days, she would kick a fuss and insist I wait for her. She was so cooperative today.

After her nap, we spent some time revising some words her teacher informed me that she needed some revision on. Again, no struggle and she concentrated. On some days, she get easily distracted.

We had dinner, few disagreements, did some art and school work together. If only everyday is this peaceful.

AN is asleep now. She requested for 2 stories for bedtime tonight with a very reasonable excuse: "Mummy, I'm asking for 2 stories because I miss daddy but I don't want to keep crying. That's why I need to listen to stories."

It appears to work: she enjoyed predicting what was going to happen (those were 2 of her favourite), spent the rest of the before-sleep hour playing with ER, kissing and rolling around with him. She could only sleep after ER fell asleep. He kept crawling towards her to snuggle up beside her and she gladly entertained that.

She didn't cry for daddy tonight.

One week shouldn't take too long to pass. I remember Mr Liow being away for a month when we were in Tucson and I was home alone with AN.

This time isn't really that bad. I just miss him still.

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