Sunday, December 4, 2011

Finally, home!

Mr Liow is back! Yeah! The last I saw, SQ61 was supposed to touch down at 6am but it landed at 5am and he reached home by 6.30am.

He got us many stuff but the only one that makes its presence known even after being stored away, is the Abercrombie cardigan with its signature smell that doesnt go away until it's been washed. Reminds me of Park Place Mall....

Some updates about the unwell kiddos:

AN is coughing lesser now. Thank God she didn't have to suffer too much. My mum said kids recover faster if they have really simple food, like plain porridge when they are sick. So for lunch yesterday, she had 2 bowls of porridge together with some vegetabLes and fish my dad bought. When dad asked what I wanted for dinner, I thought AN may want soup noodles for a change but she decided to have something similar to lunch instead. She said porridge helps her recover and I was surprised that seems to be working!

As for ER, he isn't as sick as he was previously. He coughed so hard he threw up again last night but appeared better after that. I gave him Pediacof before tucking him in and he slept better than the night before. He woke up more often than he does usually because of his cough but he was pacify-able (no need to bring him out of the room or walk him about) and most importantly, he didn't throw up! Yeah!

Took his weight before he starts losing any because of this cough: 8.4kg. I have another small sized baby. Our genes. I wish he's bigger but I can only blame my ancestors for being small built. Hmm.. Hehe. At least he's bigger than AN who was less than 7.5kg even at 18mths.

Thank God mum was around. She helped clear the puke while I bathed him and watched over him as I bathed. Am so thankful for my parents :)

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