Saturday, December 10, 2011

Kiss, and Outreach

ER has mastered the 'kiss'. Tell him to kiss and he obliges with a big smile.

My sweet sweet baby has been kissing us whenever he feels like doing it. He simply leans forward and plants a long one on our lips, then leans,back smiling to watch our reaction.

This afternoon, before our outreach in church, during their nap, he leaned over to kiss his sleeping jie jie before turning back at me with that same cheeky grin.

Today marks the first day he kisses upon request. So we kept telling him 'kiss', just to watch him do it. Really cute!

AN wanted him to kiss her too but he refused to do as asked for a start. When he finally decided to, he kept kissing AN, even when she had enough of his kisses.

She hid her face but that cheeky boy used both of his hands to sweep her hands away, pull her face toward him and he planted one on her lips. Both of them were so tickled and couldn't stop giggling.

Apart from that, it was a tiring day today. Mr Liow was involved in church's outreach to PRCs working in Singapore and I had to carry ER for the whole 3 hrs. With 2 young kids, I couldn't to much except to help watch over the Yoong jrs so that Dan and Pam could concentrate with leading their teams and getting to know the invitees.

I was mummy to 4 kids at some point when H and E decided they didn't want to remain in church. I went back with them to their home and watched them at the playground. I got shocked when both of them RAN separate directions at top speed during some games. I was worried E would lose his way back! He's only 5 yrs old! Thank God for watching over the kids!

It was dinner in church after the program came to an end. I loved to watch MR Liow lead and he's most charming when he's laboring for the Lord. We hadn't much time to do outreach since kids came. Mr Liow was so engrossed despite running a low fever. Am so glad he's mine. Hehe. AN will have to pray hard if she wants someone like her daddy like she said she wanted.

It was disturbing though, that while having dinner, a group of youths were openly making jokes out of the day's event and the PRCs. One of them got so excited at his own comments that he spoke really loud. A lady shhh-ed him but he defiantly replied loudly: "Aiya, these china people don't understand english!"

What were they doing in church today? To serve, or were they forced to appear?? They worshipped, they served in church but why was that discussion among themselves during dinner, so disturbing? Just casual talk maybe. I'm old and conservative, maybe.

Job 11:3
Will your idle talk reduce others to silence? Will no one rebuke you when you mock?

The Lord knows better.

Just pray that the community will be blessed and the Lord will surely continue to watch over every of His creation. Man in His image, regardless of skin color!

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