Friday, August 26, 2011

ER's New Ability and Habits

He's starting to 'sing' lately. He holds a 'note' for longer than his usual blabbering.

He has a new hobby too: he blows bubbles, with his saliva. Yes, it's disgusting, but undeniably adorable. Because he's a baby. Babies get away with most things. ER gets away with messing up his jie jie's things. She gets upset, fumes, but immediately jumps to his defense when he gets reprimanded for his misdeed: "He's just a little baby. He doesn't know what he's doing. Don't scold him."

I had been teaching him to get off the sofa by pushing his lower body down first, before his upper body. He's still attempting to dive his way down! He got it once this afternoon and managed to get off the sofa safely but not anymore after that one attempt. Not bad though. He does it once, he'll do it again.

He's standing on his own, unassisted. He's not very good at it yet, but when he's engrossed, he forgets he's not leaning against anything and stands for that few seconds.

He's still cruising like he did weeks ago, so there's nothing new yet.

He had learnt to 'pinch'. It doesn't take him much to pick something up with thumb and index finger now.

I love having conversations with him. And he's entertaining me by 'replying' more lately (just weeks ago, he would struggle to break away so that he could crawl and explore). This is one different behavior from baby AN who would, on most occasions, gladly sit on our laps to 'talk' to us, or just watch when we talked to her. ER just keeps trying to break free more often than not.

ER had been banging his fists together and shaking his hands. I wonder if he's starting to use the baby signs I had been using with him (namely, 'more' and 'enough' in these cases). I take these actions at face value to mean what I suppose they should mean, repeat the sign verbally and act upon it (if he bangs his fists, I'll say "more" and continue with what we had been doing, or "enough" and then stop). Hope this will help him understand the signs better, especially since he is able to do these actions with his hands now.

He's starting to imitate us. He sees AN drawing and when he gets hold of a pen/pencil/crayon, he starts rubbing them against paper like he saw AN do it. We hold a hand up, he'll do the hi-five with us. We open and close our palms to say goodbye, he does the same. I put dirt or stuff like hair, into the Delphin when it's on air-purifying mode, he saw, and then at attempted to push a toy in too.

He shows his emotions in the most obvious manner: he smiles and even laughs without provocation when he's happy, and cries bad when he's upset, usually when it's night lately. He has to see me, or be near to me. Best if I carry him. Nothing else stops those tears.

He's all over the place now. He'll be my workout from now on.

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