Sunday, January 27, 2013

Answered Prayer

AN's music lesson is held at Thomson Plaza every Sunday at 11am. It coincides with church and we've been missing service for 1 and half year.

Miss Lim is a very good teacher and I didn't want to change AN to another class, but it'd be nice that AN gets to enjoy Sunday school too. So I had been praying that the JXC class timing will shift. AN wants to follow Miss Lim and because Miss Lim teaches piano, AN has already decided she'll continue with piano.

The good news (an answered prayer) was delivered today when Miss Lim announced that she will be stationed solely at Plaza Singapura (PS) after this JMC class (after JMC, it'll be JXC). We will either have a change of teacher at this same timing and location, or have the class changed to PS from 12-1pm on Saturday with her. We are to inform her by end Feb if we'll like to join her there because if there isn't enough students to form a class, there has to be an alternative.

AN immediately turned to me and clearly stated: "I want Miss Lim." That's perfect.

It'll be convenient coz NEL takes us to PS. Mr Liow can choose if he wants to follow us and we don't need to drive. JXC class won't require parents to sit in anymore. And that means I can go shopping every  Sat in town!

And we get church time back. Without having to sacrifice Miss Lim.

I have always preferred a busy Saturday and restful Sunday.

This can't be more ideal.

The next thing we need to pray for is that AN's classmates will want to continue with Miss Lim so that we have enough to form a class.


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