Monday, January 7, 2013


MIL is mopping the floor now. I should appreciate, but I just mopped on Saturday morning, before the kids awoke.

I've reminded her that if she really wants to mop, do so when the kids won't be up and about. If she doesn't want to wake up early to do it, or sleep late because of mopping, leave it to me. It's always been my job.

Did she mop when the nieces were awake and at this age when they could hardly sit for more than10mins?

ER apparently can't remain still for that long yet, and already he fell once when he slipped on his way to look for me and I was making him milk. She saw and told me I have to be careful. I was upset then and retorted that I don't mop during the day unless kids won't be up for next 30mins...

It didn't get to her.

I'm ungrateful. But really, too many cooks spoil the soup.

I've seen her hold stuff with sharp corners sticking out from the back, countless time. At ER's eye level.

I've reminded her countless times but it doesn't get to her.

And how she places kitchen knives on ceramic bowls near the edge of the tables. ER only has to feel around (given that he's too short to see what's up there) and both bowls and knives will rain on him.

Why does it seem like she's never cared for little children before? Sven rookie mummies of my age are sensitive with dangerous stuff around their little ones.

My mum just asked me out. She thought I could leave ER with MIL.

I rejected mum's offer. Unless necessary, I prefer to care for my own kids. SHE'S more dangerous than any household dangers...

P.s: She questioned the way I kept the utensils, saying it's hard to get them.

That's precisely why I placed them that way. I do not want them within reachable distance from the kids, especially ER. Those reachable ones are non-breakable ones.

She can go gossip about me for all I care. My kids, my home, my family....these responsibilities are mine.

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