Thursday, September 5, 2013

My Venus and Mars

I see distinct difference between my little ones. Whether it's because they are of different gender or if it's just because they are unique in their very own ways, I can't help but appreciate them in that special way.

Sleeping Alone
AN is a dependant sleeping partner. She has to sleep extremely near me even till now (unless someone is unwell and she has to sleep with daddy). When she was younger, if she woke up without me in sight, she would sit right there on the bed and cry till I appeared. She wakes up to look for me if I'm not with her during sleeping time now but there are that few rare occasions when she still wakes up crying for me.

ER is independent. He sleeps apart from me even though I sleep right beside him. He flips all over and often ends up resting on a higher pillow. He always sleeps better when he ends up elevated. When he doesn't find me in the room, he'll usually get up and sleep walk his way to where I may be. He has his way of locating me with his eyes almost closed. The cute thing is, he doesn't forget to close the door to his room after he walks out in search for mummy.

AN had never commanded me to do anything for her. She's not always will mannered but she would never tell me to do anything "now!", or sound dictative in any ways. She obeys when I'm firm with her. And she can tell when I'm ok with waiting so she takes some advantage of the situation assuming that I'm flexible with my expectation.

She comforts me when I cry. She's what Baileys and Maen used to be. I can cry into her and she pats me as I break down. She's been a very caring girl since she was a toddler. I remembered how she didn't understand why I cried one day but hugged me and told me something funny. She smiled when she saw her how made me smile. She was about 22 months then (I rmb coz it was a week before my parents came to visit us in Tucson).

Even when she's being punished or reprimanded, she wouldn't retaliate harshly. If she is not in agreement with being punished, she would at most stomp her feet and cry. And accept her punishment.

ER allows me to cry on him too. Blankly. He jokes and makes me laugh when I'm visibly upset at something he did. That's bravery coz when I'm not easily pacified when I'm angry (especially so this past year).

He loudly talks back at me when he doesn't agree with his punishment. He is vocal with his likes and dislikes. His intentions and preferences are usually clear. I can reason with him and trick him a little but being firm hardly works at getting him to listen up.

He crumbles when I announce "Do I have to be angry all the time?" recently. He's a tough one to crack. If he says no, he means it.

Thankfully he's at this age when he does things to cheer me up. He likes to make me laugh. He's a funny boy. And he has tons of cheeky behavior and expressions that he specifically stores up to use on angry mummy so that mummy isn't angry anymore. If mummy is in a TERRIBLE temper, he speaks the most useful sentence to calm me: "Mummy, I love you." Or "Mummy, Ethan's wants to hug."

There are more but I'm sleepy. I'll try to note more later on. It'll be nice to read about them and reminisce when they grow older.


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