Saturday, September 17, 2011


Her: "Keep the bread away in case the children see and wants to eat."

Mr Liow: "Huh? If they want to eat, let them eat la. It's just bread and those are just kids."

Her, raising her voice and upset: "No la! I want to eat! I didn't buy these for them!"

Mr Liow: "I'll buy you more if there are no more."

Her, flatly insisting: "No."

Selfish isn't it?

It's ER's birthday celebration this afternoon. A very small one for only our two families and the ministry because it's fellowship Saturday today.


The nai nai will not be around. She is attending a concert and wonders why we fix the party on this day. when else can the party be? AN has music every Sun and this is the closest Sat to his actual day.

What would I do if my kids or grandkid's birthday falls on a concert day? I'll either give or sell my ticket away. Wouldn't you?

No. Selfish. Her concert more important. Last year for ER'S baby shower, same thing. Go church, then get Mr Liow to fetch her home while everyone at home rushes. AN's birthday this year, same. Unreasonably scolded Mr Liow for a broken pipe AT HIS SISTER'S HOME, got upset and refused to pick up his call, then suddenly appear so that Mr Liow can drive her to the chalet. During the USA trips, same. Before we went to USA, same selfish behavior when she SCOLDED us for bringing things to her house (only things she want ok???).

She will not be home till late evening today and that means the more than 10 kinds of bread she bought will be sitting there till then. She threw a fit and insisted she's not going to share them with the kids.

It's all about herself, for herself.

Ugly. Utterly hideous.

Updated 19 Sept (Mon):
There were more bread left than she could finish and when I asked her to bring them home, she said she doesn't eat much bread and insisted Mr Liow liked those bread she bought (2 days ago with added risk of having gone bad by now...)

She doesn't eat much bread but didn't want to share with others. And even after I specifically warned that the char siew (roasted pork) in the bun is likely to have gone bad after 2 days, she insisted it will not and repeated that Mr Liow will surely eat them because he likes them...

They are dumped now because Mr Liow is not keen to suffer from food poisoning. I'm not keen to have food bought by selfish people, whether or not they are any of my favorites.

She even wanted to bring the fried rice from the Saturday lunch back for the helper's lunch today (Monday). That is after 48hours and the food wasn't stored to keep to begin with... I refused to allow her to poison her 'lower class of human kind' helper and dumped everything.

Can't be bothered to talk to the......

....hypocritically selfish 'high class thing'.

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