Friday, March 18, 2011

ER's First Encounter with FOOD!

Enough of procrastinating (my took me a few weeks of saying "it's time to feed the little boy FOOD!" before I actually got around to doing it)..

AN has no school today, so I thought I could start him on his cereals today, just so that AN can catch a glimpse of herself on her first taste of cereals too.

Also, I've called up some formula milk companies (Abbott, Dumex and Friso) to request for samples. Partly to make his cereals with and see how he's accepting them, also as a backup because this time, I did not pump much B-Milk to store in the freezer. 

I suppose he's going to be weaned off earlier than AN (who's still nursing as part of 'tea-time').


  1. hmmm...just curious what will u be mixing with his cereal?
    kkeekke...coz it requires milk, so i have been wondering BM can anot.

  2. I used to mix breAstmilk in AN's cereals or texturise her purees accordingly. This time I probably may use formula coz all my expressed B-milk expired and I've not expressed since them. Hehe. Else I'll probably express for the day while he's sleeping.

    I mixed the cereals in plain water on Fri. Hehe. But not enough iron and other nutrients.

    Fyi, u can call up various F-milk companies to request for samples, even for newborn. After 6mths, most entertain request on their website. In case you decide bf-ing is really stressing u out too much, u can fall back on these temporarily.

    But I'm pro-bfing. Hee. If u stress but determine to continue, feel free to write in to aunty judy. Hehe.

  3. Yes, thank u Aunty Judy. I'm sure I don't need those samples as I've Aunt judy to fall back on. kekeekekek.

  4. Jia you! Best thing is, you save a lot on BF-ing too, along with all the amazing things in BM. :)
