Saturday, July 16, 2011


Fever for last few days. Finally recovered and Mr Liow's having high fever now.

ER's fever hit 39.4°c last night. He was in such discomfort he didn't sleep, at all. I tried carrying him to sleep so that he could breath better but it didn't work much. Sleep for him was only 20-30mins each time and he spent as much time crying terribly. I stole naps whenever he fell asleep but it takes time to fall asleep. Soon, I couldn't go back to sleep and was awake till his next round of crying.

Took him to the doctor once he got up, got medicines which does seem to make him feel better. He doesn't sound that congested and uncomfortable now. Feeding him medicine wasn't easy though. He threw up some, so I gave him a wee bit more to replace before clearing up his puke.

Tried to coax him to sleep this afternoon but he didn't seem ready for a nap, so I asked Mr Liow to help watch over him while I catch some rest. Because I really wasn't created to be superhuman. I can NOT function fully for a whole family of feverish people while trying to recover from fever myself, and get NO sleep in 24hours.

So I caught 2 hrs of nap by forcing my eyes shut.

It's going to be another night of no sleep. AN is sleeping with me tonight because Mr Liow is having high fever now. She slept with him last night coz we didn't want ER to make her sick again.

And she had to chew her nails such that it tickled her throat and she threw up. That was after I won the 45 mins battle against the little boy who kept struggling to wake up and not sleep.

Should I be happy her nails made her cough so bad she threw up after ER fell asleep? It could have been before and CHAOTIC.

So, it was mad rush through games like "Change The Sheets", then "Wash Dirty Sheets", before dumping them into washing machine for a second round of cleaning, followed by "Change and Clean Up Dirty Preschooler".

Meanwhile, ER woke up crying because of all the movements.

Finally kids are sleeping. For how long, I don't know. I'm going to sleep right after this because I have to bring AN for music class tomorrow without Mr Liow.

I just pray ER will sleep better tonight, that AN won't throw up again to save me extra hours to clean up. Oh, and ER too, that he won't cough do bad he throws up like the night before.

Can't wait for this to blow over. Whoever doesn't understand why some parents are extraordinarily particular about hygiene, read this post 5 more times and imagine the above happening to you monthly. Plus barely 2 hrs of interrupted sleep every 24 hrs, plus cranky kids (and the heartache of watching them suffer), plus lots of cleaning up, plus constantly boiling water and reminding everyone to drink, plus feeding medicines and more cleaning up to do should junior puke, plus all other matters that still has to be done each day, plus fever still nesting in your body.

Ok, I'm ranting now.

This will pass. It always has. I'm waiting to see the light that according to Dr Allyson who saw ER, should appear in 2 days (if he's battling the same virus AN was up against since Wednesday).

posted from Bloggeroid

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