Thursday, January 5, 2012

Funny Brother, Gentle Sister

Not the first time I'm saying this but I'm enjoying my little boy. He's probably doing what other babies are doing at this age and these behaviors are seriously, irresistibly adorable!

He was latched on a while ago, and drifting back to dreamland. Then he released a series of long fart. He stopped suckling for the next few seconds, looked up at me while still latched on, and then giggled. In less less than 3 seconds, his eyes started to close, and he's now asleep again.

The kids were home alone with me last night while Mr Liow was out having coffee with his friends. Again, I enjoyed the time together. AN is such a fantastic helper when I'm up to my neck with ER! After they had their dinner, AN suggested: "Mum, why don't you switch on the tv, I'll take care of ER and then u can have your dinner?"

I took her suggestion and had an uninterrupted dinner. She sat ER beside herself and once in a while turned to look at him.

Cheeky boy would turned to her at some points during the shows and blabber, as if he had some comments to share. Each time he got too exited and shifted his body too much as he turned to talk to his sister, she would put her arms around him and pull him towards her, to keep him from falling off the sofa.

He's really quite a nuisance when AN's doing serious stuff. He wants her coloring tools, her pencils, her books. Whatever she's doing, he wants to participate. I give him his own so that he can be doing what AN is doing but he prefers his sister's.

AN is so cool about his interruptions. This extraordinary patience is a rare sight. She doesn't snatch, she gently explains to him why he shouldn't be snatching from her, she tries to distract him with something else and looks to me for help in prying him off her activities instead of getting upset.

This further convinces me that it's easier for AN to take instructions when she hears it from as few people as possible. She's less confused because we adults do not always give same instructions. What's she going to follow when we contradict each other? And when lesser instructions are given, she has a clearer mind to act out of her own initiation.

Under usual circumstances, she will get frustrated with ER and snatch her stuff back from him.

I wish for more of such opportunities to appreciate her gentle nature. She's showing less of that these days.

We have decided to continue to leave AN at mum's place. That's after taking into consideration how AN eats better there. I will likely take her home from Mon-Wed and leave her with mum on Thurs and Fri.

Besides being better able to do some revision with her at home, I really want her to myself too. I want to enjoy her before she grows up. She's growing up too fast...

It's her first dental appointment today. We're getting her teeth polished and some brown stains dealt with. Let's hope she'll be an easy patient :)

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