Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 1: No Puke

It's hard to break out of his biological clock. Attempting to wake him at 8am was suicide, for me.

He dragged me back in to the room and laid down, chanting "men mem" as he sobbed pitifully. I gave in and nursed him.

He was up at 9.45am. I gave him fresh milk in a straw bottle, allowing him to reach for him at will. I heated up noodles from the dinner on Sun for myself. He wanted some, so I let him feed himself. We were at the coffee table and he was standing. Was messy but it's ok. He had a wee bit. Ok too.

As long as he's not stressed up at the sight of food.

I fed him milk which he drank a few spoonfuls of. Drank the remaining myself because it's been an hour or so at room temperature.

I offered cheese rings in a bowl shortly after, then cubes of cream cheese. He rejected both.

He didn't want my lunch, and I let him be. Before nap, I fed him 120mls of pediasure. He hungrily accepted but stopped at about 100mls.

He was super cranky when he woke up. In fact, he hasn't been his cheery self for weeks. He still plays and can be really adorable but the very uncooperative behaviour, in addition to his food hating campaign made it hard for me to get much done.

Dinner was at my mum's. He didn't want dinner either :(

I know I promised to keep cool but he had only 100 calories by evening. I can't help worrying by then. And he was super cranky. And super clingy. He would usually follow my mum to playground, and be really excited. And mum would help me shower him.

Not today. He wouldn't let me out of sight. Even at home, he would follow me to the restroom when he would usually be at ease playing, knowing mummy can't disappear from the toilet.

My sweet Mr Liow helped feed the last milk session and ER finished 160mls.

For once in days, he hasn't puked at all.

Total input: 260mls.

Praying that he'll be more comfy in the presence of food tomorrow...and that the Lord will hold me as I go through another day, watching my baby grow skinnier. I pray he'll not throw up tomorrow, that he'll get more than 260mls and most important, receive nutrients from whatever I offer.

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