Saturday, May 19, 2012

Irresponsible Comment

"Another Indonesia maid fell to her death. How come Indo maid are so lousy..."

Irresponsible comments like these really hit the nerves but I can't correct that. I just have to shut my mouth and try to be as far away as possible so that I can't hear anything. It's a pity the pigeon hole I live in is not THAT big.

Someone lost a loved one. Everyone has their careless moments but not everyone pays for it with their life! You have no room for sympathy, do you?

The movement to stop Indonesian maids from hanging clothes out to dry had affected her. She's upset and commented (word for word): "It's their fault that they are stupid."

I think she secretly has many phds, can fly and saves the world at night. She must have superhuman abilities because everyone else who makes mistakes are stupid.

I dry my clothes indoor too.

My clothes dry just fine, indoors.

Bad influence.

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