Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bad Behaviour of an Adult *Warning: Long & Upsetting Post*

Saturday (16 April)

The dowager is at it again.

Mr Liow and I had been busy since morning. I cleared the toilet of BM's mess and mopped the floor while he watched over the kids, getting AN water, changing ER's diapers, then I bathed one kid while he kept busy with the other. We had no time to meddle with our mobile phones.

Apparently, she had to call Mr Liow for everything that happens. The toilet broke down at his sister's home and the adults were not around. When mr Liow called back after realising he missed her call, she scolded him before slamming the phone down on him.

She always expects us to standby our phones. Their toilet broke and she expects immediate response from Mr Liow? And scolds him for not taking her call, yet again.

Mr Liow was upset of course. She's ridiculous. She got the niece to talk to Mr Liow when he called her again, not knowing what she was so upset about initially. She was so angry she didn't want to speak with him.

Unreasonable. So this is what she calls proper upbringing, by speaking angry words through the mouth of a child. Training in progress.

One day at the uncle's funeral 2 weeks ago, she got so agitated because no one bought coffee. She kicked up a fuss before stomping off to get her coffee, missing the funeral procession before his body left for cremation. Coffee is more important than a loved one. Maybe not. SHE is more important than anything else!

And she went around telling her friends how close she is to her sister's family, this uncle (her sis' husband) included, wailing so loudly as if she was really heartbrokened.

I wouldn't have doubted coz ever since I married Mr Liow, I could tell the 2 families got on really well. But that day at the funeral, she was ok, smiling and behaving like a non-grieving person. Sad, yes. Grieving, no.

But when her own friends came to pay respect, she wailed like she did at my FIL's wake.

Why is it that she only finds tears at the presence of her friends? Ok, maybe those were close friends. But she didn't wail like that to her 'closest friend', one she had since she got married.

That friend is not wealthy, neither is she a believer. I don't know, maybe a new criteria to qualify as part of the dowager's most trusted convoy?

So hypocritical.

Really, if she has no respect for others, why on earth does she expect people to respect her? Why else if she doesn't think she's superior and everyone else has to bow to her?

The uncle's son-in-law thanked her for something by holding his palms together. She was offended. She said she's a 'christian' and wouldn't mind but others who are superstitious will, because he looked as if he was paying respect to the dead. She's the first I've ever heard from, to complain that the gesture was offending, and conveniently pushed it to 'others who are superstitious'. My mum honestly admits she's pantang but appreciates a word of thanks, followed by a palms-together handsign or not.

So, Mr Liow wrote to tell her it was rude to shout at anyone whenever she likes without reason. She replies that she is not a mum who will be corrected by her children. (Read: Domineering, Tyrannical).

After the sms-argument, Mr Liow was almost sure she won't turn up for AN's birthday party.

To be continued.....
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