Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fever Still High

Brought ER to The Kids Clinic at Rivervale Mall this evening. His fever has remained high the whole day, suppressed only by the infant drops (paracetamol) down to mid 37°c and returning back to mid-high 38°c after the medication wears off.

He's having runny nose and slight cough. This is day 1, if it's flu/ cold. As we know by now, these symptoms should peak between 3-5 days. Dr Allyson is unable to tell if the fever is from the cold/flu yet, except that these symptoms do not usually bring about such a high temperature. She suspected an infection and checked ER in details.

Nothing visible noted (ears clear, lungs clear, throat a little sore but not too bad), so she asked if we wanted to do a urine test to make sure his urine tract is not infected. We took her suggestion, had a urine collection bag fixed to his little 'pipe' and waited. And waited. And waited. He took about 1 hour to pee that tiny bit and I almost spilled it! Went back to my parents' place for dinner while waiting.

We brought the urine sample back to the clinic for the test and result came back negative: no UTI.

We still have no idea what's causing his fever. What we were advised to do, is to monitor him for the next few days.

Poor poor ER. Less than 7 months old and he has already sampled so many viruses. That's for being a little sibling to his new school-going elder sister.

And poor poor me who has to serve the constantly uncomfortable little prince who could neither sleep well by night nor nap well by day and who wakes up crying every 20 mins into his sleep.

Also, poor poor Mr Liow who had been unusually stress-maxed at work for the past month, to have to come home to a cranky, crying fever baby.

I'm praying for this to pass soon so the poor baby doesn't need to suffer for so long. Also for Mr Liow's work to start cooling off. He usually has no problems coping with high volume of work despite some nagging but this time, the amount and nature of work is affecting him, even emotionally. He's aware if this goes on, he may gradually fall into depression but there doesn't seem to be anything he can do to stop it from happening.

Told him that if he has enough of it, he can decide to leave. I know he's no quitter but I'm not ready to sacrifice him, just to have more.

More reasons I should establish my own work so he'll be stressed less.

Speaking of which, the bridal makeover has been called off. The couple couldn't find an agreement with the price quoted even though it had been trimmed down to 1/4 of the original package price and 1/3 of their own planned budget.

I'm jobless again. But it won't be for long I hope.
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  1. Hey, why don't you try to leave your contacts and portfolios in various well known bridals?

  2. I can leave my contacts but portfolio got to build up again. I lost everything I had, both soft and hard copies :(
